
According to UNICEF, 2.8 million schools and 2.2 billion students worldwide lack internet access, which hinders their ability to access remote eLearning content. Our solution is to provide free access to local eLearning via satellite OTT in remote schools and universities. This allows all children to learn through high-quality videos and interactive activities, with their progress tracked using our Learning Management System (LMS). Updates to eLearning content can be made via satellite with a single click, and children can download video lessons and activities for homework and catch-up learning due to the pandemic.

Schools, universities, communities center, libraries..

“Two thirds of the world’s school-age Children have no internet access at home” – UNICEF

The Covid pandemic and lockdowns have severely limited children’s access to education, potentially sacrificing an entire generation’s future. However, with satellite OTT, children with limited access to school can continue their education at home and catch up on lost time.


Monetizing content is possible when millions of people travel with their own smart devices (BYOD) by using advertisements, transactions, or subscriptions. This allows each traveler to select and watch their preferred content.

1. Travelers can watch or download content while waiting for their transportation at various locations such as airports, boat terminals, train stations, bus stations, and bus shelters

2. Travelers can use the “download-to-go” feature to watch content while traveling on planes, cruising boats, cargo boats, fishing boats, trains, and buses.

Satellite OTT provides an affordable solution for hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized hotels that cannot afford to offer in-room entertainment. With the use of customers’ own smart devices (BYOD) and WiFi, the service offers Live TV and VOD entertainment at a competitive cost. This service can also be extended to restaurants, bars, and theme parks, where each customer can watch their preferred content.

Hotel, Camp sites, Restaurant, Bar, Beaches, Parks..

Governments can leverage Satellite OTT to reach populations who are unconnected due to remote locations or unaffordable data costs. This technology can be utilized for information dissemination, civic education, public and regional TV access, radio, skills training, healthcare, farming, and much more.

Remote villages, townships, community centers, hospitals, government offices, Parks, military camp..

NGOs and NPOs can utilize Satellite OTT to reach populations who are not connected due to remote locations or unaffordable data costs. This technology can be used for information dissemination, civic education, children’s education, skills training, healthcare, farming, churches, and much more.

Schools, Refugees camp, remote villages, churches, communities centers etc..

Companies can use Satellite OTT to provide their employees with access to training, information, and entertainment, particularly when working in remote locations.

Remote offices, Mines, Parks, Oil platform, fishing boat, cargo boat, cruising boat, theme parks, shopping malls..

Standard Broadcast based on MPEG2-TS either by Satellite or Terrestrial are not offering a competitive user experience compare to internet OTT as family can only watch one content on one TV screen. Satellite OTT (DTH) and Terrestrial OTT (DTT) will help operators to enhance subscribers experience by offering linear and none linear content to all the screens at home with each family members watching their own content on their own screen.


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In emerging market, telecom operators are often offering home internet using 4G routers (MiFi) but they cannot monetize entertainment due to their weak 4G backhaul, not able to support video peak demand. Satellite OTT will help Telco to monetize entertainment to their home internet subscribers without overloading their 4G backhaul.


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OTT operators penetration in emerging market is limited by the access and affordability of the internet video streaming. Satellite OTT will help OTT operators to increase their market share by distributing their content without any data cost for their subscribers or dependency on internet access and speed.

Subscribers can download VOD from Public Access Points (VOD Kiosks) and take away to watch later at home or the service can be directly available at home using our Smart-STB.

Digital signage operators can offer infotainment over WiFi in public places to capture travelers Smart Devices and display target advertisements on their screens creating new revenue streams.

Public places: airport, station, Bus Shelter..


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