"We deliver Digital content Where internet cannot"

Our mission is to offer Digital access to ALL 

Wherever they live at an affordable cost

47% of the earth population have no access to the internet limiting their potential and life opportunities

“As too many cannot access internet or cannot afford internet video streaming, we deliver high quality video to them
wherever they live” - Noovo CEO

How does
it work?

We have developed an exclusive technology to combine the strength of Satellite Broadcast
for cheap delivery anywhere and digital Broadband content  to target all the screens.

Satellite OTT Benefits

Can reach
any places

No internet

No data cost
for viewers

effective for operators

Easy & Fast

Low infrastructure dependency





& engaging

Fun & intuitive

Our strengths

The most effficient

As we can reach any places on earth independently from local infrastructure.

The Fastest

Our solution can be quickly deployed anywhere independently from existing infrastructures

The Easiest

The only requirements on site are: 
– One Gateway
– One Satellite Dish

Target Applications




Public places

Home entertainment



None Profitable Organizations (NPO)


TV Broadcasters

Telecom operators

OTT operators

Some problems we are solving

Internet access limitation

No internet required to access video and eLearning anymore.

Internet data cost

End user to not have to pay data to telecom operator for video watching.

Internet bandwidth limitation

Local WiFi streaming offer very high bandwidth compare to internet. No buffering or latency.

Gender differences for education

Girls can do home schooling when not able to attend classes

Remote training

Government, corporation, organization can train remote workers and provide infotainment.

Remote and on the go entertainment

Population on the go can be entertain with Live TV, Radio, VOD, eBook, Music when commuting in transportation hub or in public places.

Quality of Education Cities versus rural

Same quality of education is offered to all by selecting the best teachers for video shooting.

Remote access to information

Remote population can stay informed in real time simply by using their own devices.

Home entertainment enhanced experience

We will enhance family experience by offering Multi-Contents on Multi-Screens for Multi-Users at home without internet and data cost.

Adult Civic education

Government and NPO can reach remote population to train them or inform them about culture, health, farming..

Home schooling & Home work

Children can download eLearning from school for Home Work and home schooling during lock down and to catch-up on the pandemic.

Catch-up on education

Millions of children have missed classes during the last two years of pandemic because of the lock down and lack of internet access. Our local eLearning will help them to catch-up on their curriculum.

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